Lyrics rocks
"Around The World"
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world
Around the world, around the world.
[ ]
Postat av: Tove
Jag förstår inte var de får allt ifrån!
Hahaha, jag har sett fjortiskommentarerna på din blogg... De kanske borde testa att läsa inlägget som de kommenterar först. Tänk om det är någon som är jätte deppig och skriver nått i stuk med adjö hårda värld. Det skulle va ganska malplaserat att skriva "Hej! :) Hur va din dag?"
Postat av: Johan
nej jag tycker det är helt rätt, ja menar, om nu personen tar livet av sig pga det är det ju bara att gratulera dem, 4år i fängelse för medhjälp till självmord? kanske de tänker till lite innan dess
Postat av: Mr Tias
Runt världen?! Nä inte i dag, dock etapp #6 på Sörmlandsleden och det var fint det också. :o)